Choose your subscription plan by clicking the price

  • This subscription includes Private Twitter
  • 4 FREE DAY PASSES (per month)

  • All entries & exists posted in real time
  • After subscribing, go to Twitter@spxgodfather for follower requests

  • No “Live” trading room included


per month
Non Refundable

Consigliere Mentoring

  • This subscription includes Private Twitter
  • Morning Update
  • Live Trading with INDEXGODFATHER

  • Trading Room w/Trade Alerts (entry & exit)
  • 1-on-1 calls
  • Virtual calls
  • Review process & strategy


per month
Non Refundable


for 3 months
Non Refundable


for 6 months
Non Refundable
  • Review current trading patterns to establish a winning process and strategy
  • Fundamentals of SPX options trading
  • Configure ThinkorSwim (TD Ameritrade)
  • Set-up ThinkorSwim indicator
  • Real-time access for trading guidance
  • 3 Free Day Passes to “LIVE” Trading


for 3hrs of training
Non Refundable